Adventures of Corn and Mac

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24/7 News Addiction

I have always loved the 24 hour news phenomena. I don't know if it's all the NPR my parents listened to that traded a musical score for a talking heads soundscape as the background of our trips to school and hockey practice. I will admit I truly fell in love with the 24 hour news cycle in the era of Obama. Turning on the news and seeing my Black president gave me a sense of pride and fulfillment that gives me an understanding for the people's visceral hatred and disgust for the man. But, for eight great years, no matter what hot mess of fake or real controversy, I saw a smart, level headed man speak as the president of the United States.

But I digress. I used to wake up every Saturday and Sunday at 8 am, no matter what my schedule, not to be productive but to watch Melissa Harris-Perry. Melissa I miss you. I ended work days with Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow and their voices lulled me to sleep at night.

Now my schedule has changed. Melissa has left, we have Sling instead of cable so it's CNN, and they are talking about #45. The election was rough. In no way was it "the lesser of two evils" but that's a convo for another time. I still watch the news cycle more than the average American citizen but now it is much more frustrating. Why doesn't anyone ask follow up questions? How do politicians get away with stating absolutes when every aspect of politics and policy is nuanced and complicated. Shoot #45 even fell for the lies. "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated" (I almost died). #45, along with half of America, has watched too much Fox News.

Well I married a news junkie as well. So while many people have tuned out we have leaned in. We aren't perfect and It's hard to get the full picture in our current political climate butwe try to stay informed. What can I say, we are down with the "enemy of the American people" thanks #45 for making us so edgy.
