Welcome to our "Adventures of Corn and Mac" blog site. We've finally decided to create a space where we can share our travels, food journeys, music, adulting stories, and our views with the world. Feel free to explore around and thanks for stopping by. For mobile users click in the upper right corner for navigation links. Enjoy!
Corn wants me to tell you about him. Which is a good idea because through my eyes he's a pretty awesome dude (I doubt he thinks as much about himself, well, because he's not a douche ;)).
Corn's from small town Northeast North Carolina. As his mom would say, he's always had an "adult" mindset. He has always been surprisingly rational and clear headed and is the kind of person people look to in a group conversation to get his approval. This makes him the best + 1 in the history of the Universe. He's also just plain good at acquiring new skills. For example, his hall mate in college had music production equipment and this access launched him into music production creating a lot of songs and a passion for music that continues to this day. A relationship with Corn comes with a lot of vinyl and an expanded repertoire of music beyond the mumble rap on the radio.
Corn comes from an amazing Black family. Somehow, Grandma Sis and Grandaddy Clint raised a sitcom worthy family (like the "Family Matters" kind not the "Shameless" kind). My first family function was a beautiful display of black excellence. Not to say the stories aren't complicated but that's part of being human. Corn is a child of divorce. As a pediatrician, I am often in awe of his resilience and ability to think critically about dynamics that, for many people, become the scapegoat for the shortcomings in their adult life.
Corn is a child of the Baptist Church, underfunded but committed public schools, HBCU (Aggie Pride), and a strong single mother. Corn's dynamic personality and skill set is the result of his upbringing along with the spirit of an old wise person who was reincarnated in him.
Ahhhh. Now to write about myself (since Corn says I need to contribute my share lol). I'd like to start by stating that my awesome mom would be appalled that under my picture I am referred to as "Mac". I remember when a friends parent asked me if I had a nick name and my mom quickly responded she named me McAllister for a reason.
I am from a college town in New England. I remember when I first came to North Carolina for a summer program at UNC and I was told by fellow participants about half way through the program, "you're not the pretentious Northerner we thought you were". At my core, my sense of fulfillment in this world is improving the lives of others. I guess that's why I went into the medical field although realistically, like most children, I followed in the footsteps of a parent.
I come from a traditional two parent household. My dad is super smart, but the type of guy who is married because my mom said, "We are getting married". Like not literally but pretty much. My mom was the first glimpse of magic I got in the world. My biological family is pretty small unlike Corn's.
I am a child of the Episcopal church, private schools, HBCU (Spelman), and the loss of a parent. I like to try new things, except food (Corn has to try it and approve of it first, except chitterlings), meet new people and see new places. I'm excited to continue to create memories and house them on this blog. This life is short and hard. We must value the happy times to struggle through the rest.
Check out This combination of juicy steak, bourbon, and music that will be sure to erase any memories of a rough day at work.

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